Market Your Project While Beautifying the Space
The Vancouver Lower Mainland is home to one of the most competitive real estate markets in North America. With new properties being constructed at large scale, the need for development companies to stand out and be seen by their audience is extremely important.
Uno Digital fully understands this challenge, from inception to operation.
Our team can help you attract the attention of buyers and investors in all your marketing efforts, whether it’s a residential or commercial property.
Uno Digital can print, fabricate, and install high-quality, unique development signs and construction hoarding that will help advance your marketing strategy at every stage of the development cycle.

Construction Hoarding
After you’ve acquired that perfect space and signed your name to lease, rent, or purchase the property for your new retail or commercial location…what’s next?
Usually, the licensing and construction process, which can take a while. That means that there are potential customers passing by your location daily, unaware of your new project coming soon.
At Uno Digital, we understand time is money – and what better way to announce to your neighbors and passers-by of your new residential, office, commercial or retail location than with giant construction hoarding graphics decorating your space.
Stand out with:
Oversized site signage
Fence signs
Billboards & banners
Add impact to your message by incorporating elements like:
Coloured vinyl

Construction hoarding can be applied to windows or construction walls, creating a temporary billboard for advertising or beautification, while partially shielding the construction site.
When it comes to constructions signage, Uno Digital covers your entire project – from early pre-construction phase to post-construction.
Plus, we can fabricate your signage using several different methods – each designed to best suit your project site needs.
Building Wraps
Big is better! Building wraps get your message noticed.
But it’s not just about being big. But there are many things to consider when producing an effective building wrap, and Uno Digital knows what it takes.
With over 20 years of experience, state of the art printing technologies, and certified installers, we can handle your biggest building wrap projects anywhere in Canada.

Presentation Centres
At Uno Digital, we can design and manufacture all your building signage needs, such as:
Wayfinding Signage
Exterior Building Signage - Pylons, LED Channel Letters, & Monument Signs
Parkade Signs
Occupancy Permit Signage
Building ID Signage
We’re your one stop for all your building project, commercial or retail needs.
Call us today to find out how you can have your construction hoarding designed and installed at little or no cost to your company, while having amazing and attention-grabbing graphics and signage to advertise your building project!